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II Edition Rhegion UN 2030 - Call paper deadline

II Edition Rhegion UN 2030: towards a new space’s ORMA

Opportunity and Risks of new Modalities of Anthropization between sustainability, innovation and fragility for the territory

Deadline December 30 th although usually the platform where to upload them remains open 3 or 4 days beyond the fixed deadline. Subsequently they will be revised and sent back to the authors who can then send the definitively corrected paper.

Springer Editor will publish the papers.


1. Scenarios of territories between cities and villages for the ecological transition

C hair: Sandro Fabbro - University of Udine, Francesca Silvia Rota - CNR IRCrES

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1. The ecological transition into the existing: challenges for the ancient and modern heritage

Chair: Paolo Salonia - ISPC CNR & ICOMOS, Stefano Aragona - University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria

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1. Energy Communities, Territory, Re-forestation, Water in the ecological transition: participation and monitoring

Chair: Stefano Aragona - University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Francesca Assennato – ISPRA

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1. Small local steps essential for the ecological transition

Chair: Gabriella Pultrone - University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria , Fabiola Fratini - University La Sapienza of Rome

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How to send paper

The II Edition of Rhegion UN 2030: towards a new space’s ORMA Opportunity and Risks of new Modalities of Anthropization between sustainability, innovation and fragility for the territory is a Focus Event of the International Symposium New Metropolitan Perspectives. 2022

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Paper submission deadline extended to December 30 th , 2021

February 6th, 2022 Notification to authors

February 17th, 2022 Author Registration deadline

May 25th-27th, 2022 Symposium

Guideline for paper submission: [ | ]

Participation fees [ | ]

II Edition Rhegion UN 2030 INFORMATION

Stefano Aragona - Coordinator II Edition Rhegion UN 2030 Group

Department Heritage, Architecture, Town Planning - PAU, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria

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