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22 luglio Rafael Luque: la Chimica per l'industria sostenibile

Il 22 Luglio 2019, presso l’Aula del Consiglio del Dipartimento DICEAM, il prof. Rafael Luque terrà un seminario dal titolo “Benign by design methodologies for a more sustainable future”.

Ordinario presso l’Università di Cordoba, Rafael Luque è uno degli scienziati più influenti nel campo dei processi chimici ed ingegneristici sostenibili con particolare riferiremo alla valorizzazione di scarti agro-industriali per la produzione di chemicals, materiali e biocombustibili.

Ricopre anche la carica di Direttore del Center for Molecular Design and Synthesis of Innovative Compounds (Mosca, Russia) e Distinguished Chair Professor presso la Xian Jiaotong University (China).

Alla luce della sua produzione scientifica (Pubblicazioni peer-reviewed publications: 406; Pubblicazioni in giornali Q1 (JCR 2016): >300 (84%); Numero totale citazioni: >16,000; Media citazioni ultimi 5 anni: >1800 per anno; H index: 62), il prof. Luque è stato inserito lo scorso anno nella lista WOS-clarivate dei ricercatori più citati al mondo.

Il seminario sarà un importante occasione per presentare le più recenti linee di ricerca di Rafael Luque in ambito chimico, biochimico ed ingegneristico con una particolare attenzione ai processi di preparazione e la progettazione di materiali nanostrutturati e il loro utilizzo in processi di catalisi per la valorizzazione di biomasse lignocellulosiche e di rifiuti agro-industriali.

Breve Curriculum (in inglese) del prof. Rafael Luque:

Prof. Luque started his independent career and scientific group NANOVAL in 2009 after being granted a RAMÓN Y CAJAL FELLOWSHIP, being currently Professor Titular de Universidad at UCO. The NANOSCALE CHEMISTRY & BIOMASS/WASTE VALORIZATION group - NANOVAL is currently established as an internationally consolidated group with a current total funding of 2.5 million EUROS (average 200,000-300,000 euros per year) currently composed by ca. 30 scientists including 9 Doctors/Professors, 3 postdoctoral scientists, 3 Juan de la Cierva Fellows (one FORMACIÓN, two INCORPORACIÓN) and more than 15 Ph.D students, with several Marie Curie Fellows associated to H2020 projects with Industry and Academia.

Prof. Luque is a 2018 highly cited researcher by Clarivate Analytics, accounting for the 1% of citations in his field of expertise (selected in Cross-Field), currently the ONLY 2018 Highly Cited Researcher from Universidad de Cordoba and ranked number 42 scientist from ALL DISCIPLINES IN SPAIN taking into account 2018 Highly Cited Researchers list and h index.

In addition to such remarkable achievements,prof. Luque is also Director of the Center for molecular design and synthesis of innovative compounds for medicine at RUDN University in Moscow, Russia, since early 2018. Recently, prof. Luque became Distinguished chair professor at Xian Jiaotong University in China.

Prof. Luque also became Editor-in-chief of the journal Molecular Catalysis from Elsevier (impact factor 5.008) in January 2018, having also various Visiting Professorship positions in China (CIAC Changchun, Xiamen University and South China University of Technology), Hong Kong (HKUST and City University of Hong Kong), Brazil (Universidade Federal de Pelotas), Germany (Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces), France (UTC) and more recently Italy (Universitá Ca Foscari, Venezia). Prof. Luque serves as Editorial/Advisory Board member of several (>15) International journals including Chemical Society Reviews (i.f. 40.182) and Green Chemistry (i.f. 9.4) from the RSC, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (i.f. 6.91) from ACS, ChemCatChem (i.f. 4.45) from Wiley, Catalysis Communications (i.f. 3.463) from Elsevier and Topics in Current Chemistry (i.f. 6.5) and Scientif Reports (i.f. 4.122) from Springer-Nature.

Rafael Luque received also a long list of awards including the Marie Curie Prize from Instituto Andaluz de Quimica Fina in Spain (2011), the Green Talents award from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany (2011), the TR35 Spain from Technology Review and MIT as one of the top 10 young entrepreneurs in Spain (2012), the RSC Environment, Sustainability and Energy Early Career Award (2013) from the Royal Society of Chemistry UK, the 2015 Lu Jiaxi lectureship from the College of Chemistry and Engineering in Xiamen University (China) and very recently the 2018 ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Lectureship award. Prof. Luque is also a young entrepreneur being co-founder of Starbon Technologies Ltd. At the UK, Green Applied Solutions S.L.U. in Spain and more recently Heihua Biotechnotic Ltd. In China.

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